Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Reporter Journal, May 14, 1885
On Monday afternoon, about half past three o’clock it was announced on our streets that siz prisoners had escaped from the county jail, on Pine Street. Inquiry proved the rumor to be correct, and a large number of people went to the jail to see how the prisoners had gotten away, which was about as follows:
The escaped ones had been allowed the liberty of the large hall into which the cells open, and had chosen cell No. 11, on the left hand side, as the spot most feasible for the practical execution of their plans. And it certainly did present some peculiar advantages. The floor of this cell was defective in one corner. The big stone which lay at this point did not fill the corner, but left a small opening, and Henry Campbell, who formerly occupied this cell informs the officers that he himself, by the aid of a friendly implement he had secured, had chipped this defective corner off and made the hole considerably larger. The gang the Sheriff is now looking for had been furnished with the needful tools by some one, and made this aperture still larger – large enough to easily admit the body of a man of ordinary size. Through this hole they dropped down into the basement and found themselves in another cell which opened off from the main part of the basement. The door of the cell they were now in was partly of glass, and to break the glass, reach around and draw the bolt was a matter of a moment. They were then out in the main basement, and, presto, through the rear door which stood open, and then out doors. This is all there is of it. There escape was not known to the jail people till shortly after three o’clock, and there is no doubt that they took their leave immediately after dinner, thus getting about two hours the start. As soon as the alarm was given, Sheriff Sweet and his assistants took immediate steps to overhaul the now fortunate culprits. Telegraph and telephone messages were sent in every direction to put people on the watch, and numerous persons with horses were started out to obtain information in regard to the escaped jailbirds. Different parties in town now remember to have seen, about one o’clock, a gang of fellows answering to the description of these, making their way out of town at the southwest corner. One person saw them up near the O.D. Bartlett place, and there is not much doubt that they left town in that direction. It is reported that four men were seen to enter a piece of wood way back on the hill as you leave town by the Bridge street road, about three o’clock. Certain it is that they are still at large, and there is much doubt expressed as to the chances of their recovery.
One fact that tends to make the escape of the gang more aggravating is that three of them were sentenced by the court to the eastern penitentiary on Saturday last. Truly it was a timely and fortunate “skip” for them. Their names and crimes are as follows:
William Brown, Larceny; sentenced to eastern penitentiary for one year and four months on Saturday Last
Sherman Bradley, aggravated assault and battery; sentenced to penitentiary on Saturday last, for one year and five months.
Alonzo Vanderpool, forgery and false pretenses; eastern penitentiary for two years and four months.
Edward Scriven, charged with forgery; had not yet been brought to trial.
William Vincent Jr., and Reuben Heman, larceny; were sentenced on Saturday last to the House of Refuge.
Reporter Journal, August 13, 1896
On Saturday morning early Lorenzo Heeman and Thomas Coleman, who were confined in the Bradford county jail, made their escape. Heeman was committed in November last for a term of thirteen months, and his offence was robbing a store at Liberty Corners. Coleman was caught on the flats below town early last month. He is charged with having been one of the gang that broke into Baxter’s store in East Troy and his case will come before the next grand jury.
Heeman, it seems, had gained the confidence of the sheriff and assistants, and was allowed the freedom of the jail to quite an extent. Having access to the basement he removed the burrs which held an iron sink to the floor of the corridor. Then with a crowbar, with which it is likely he was furnished by outside parties, he pried the lock off the door of Coleman’s cell. They then pried up the sink and make their way out through the opening, it was a “slick” job, and the opinion prevails that they had help from the outside. Sheriff Weller has offered a reward $50 each for their arrest and recovery. Heeman is 28 years old, 6 feet tall, and weighs 160 pounds. He is pale, has black hair, and wore a suit of old grey clothes. A number of figures are tattooed on his arm. Coleman is 35 years old, 5 ½ feet tall, and weighs about 160 pounds. Wore dark clothes and a derby hat. He has a scar on each cheek and one tooth is gone from the lower jaw.
Reporter Journal, September 10, 1896
Fred Turner is the name of a prisoner in the county jail awaiting trial on a charge of robbing Hallock’s jewelry story at Wyalusing. The cell in which he is confined is on the upper tier at the southwest corner. Saturday afternoon Turner for some reason became ugly and proceeded to demolish the few articles of furniture in his cell. He grew so noisy and abusive that after a time the blind door of his cell was closed. This seemed to still further enrage him and he tore the window and casing from his cell and breaking the casing apart he made of it two formidable clubs. With these he pounded upon the iron door of his cell making a terrible noise. To the Sheriff’s demand to keep quiet his only reply was a threat to brain the officer if he attempted to enter the cell and a more furious pounding on the door. Between 9 and 10 o’clock In the evening Sheriff Weller’s patience became exhausted and he determined to stop Turner’s noise at all hazards. Summoning several persons to assist him he armed himself with a revolver and went to the cell door. Calling upon the prisoner to stop his noise and behave himself, he was answered by shouts of defiance and threats to kill him if he endeavored to enforce his commands. The Sheriff unlocked the door, swung it open and stepped within the cell. Turner had one of the pieces of the window casing in his hand and as the Sheriff entered the cell said he would kill him. The sheriff raised his revolver and fired, the ball grazing Turner’s wrist and the Sheriff fired a second time. Almost instantly the prisoner’s arm dropped to his side and he fell upon the floor. Physicians were at once summoned, who upon examination found the injury was not at all serious—the bullet having grazed Turner’s breast and passed through the fleshy part of his right arm.
The wound was dressed and Turner was left to meditate upon the folly of his attempt to “run” the Bradford county jail while Sheriff Weller is in charge.
We understand Turner informed the Sheriff—whom he requested to come to his cell—Sunday afternoon that during the remainder of his stay in the county bastile he will cheerfully obey the rules and regulations for its government.
Reporter-Journal, April 10, 1902
Was Held on Accusation of Larceny – Now a Graver Charge Awaits His Reward for His Apprehension
James Costello escaped from jail sometime during Friday night by squeezing through a six-inch cell window and dropping to the ground on the free side of the jail walls. Up to the hour the Reporter-Journal went to press he had not been apprehended.
The manner of Costello’s escape is practically the same as that of several slippery individuals who took the same route at various times before him. The window in each cell is six inches in height and is “protected” by a light iron grating which is fastened on the outside. In some manner the grating was removed, opinion differing as to whether Costello was aided by a confederate on the outside or not. At any rate the grating was off when the escape was discovered in the morning and Costello had gone through the window. It is thought that other prisoners intended escaping with Costello but gave it up when the window test was applied.
Costello lived in East Towanda until he went to Sayre a short while ago and secured employment at a laundry. He was arrested at that place March 27 on a charge of larceny and committed in default of bail. He is 22 years old, weighs about 125 pounds and wore a dark blue suit. Sheriff Drake has offered a reward of $25 for his capture.
Reporter Journal, August 13, 1914
Sheriff McCraney Offers Reward
Andrew Lewis, Being Held for Trial on Serious Charge, Makes Substitute for Cell Door Locking Device and Effects His Escape after Sawing Lock and Steel Bars
$50 Reward Offered.
Sheriff Albert B. McCraney has offered a reward of $50 for the capture and return of Andrew Lewis of Sayre, who on Friday night or early Saturday morning escaped from the Bradford country jail on Pine street.
Description of Lewis.
Lewis is 40 years old; height 5 feet 7 inches; weight, 160 pounds; very large heard of peculiar shape; prominent scar on left temple; light hair; partly bald; talks with peculiar accent; is a moulder by trade; when last seen he wore a blue serge suit, a black shirt and black derby.
Andrew Lewis of Sayre, charge with raped, Friday night or Saturday morning made his escape from the Bradford county jail on Pine street in a most ingenious manner and has not been re-captured.
Sheriff A. B. McCraney has offered a reward of $50 for the capture and return of the jail breaker to Towanda.
Sawed His Way Out.
Lewis Sawed through the lock on the door leading into the women’s ward and then made his exit from the jail through a second story window on the south side, by an improvised rope of blankets, after sawing through three of the bars guarding the window. His escaped from his cell through an ingenious piece of work.
That Lewis was desperate and that he was ready to use force in effecting his escape is shown by the finding of a large flatiron encased in a pair of socks in his cell.
How Lewis obtained the saws is not known but it is believed that they were furnished by visitors. Whether he had assistance from the outside is not known.
The police in the neighboring towns and cities, the state constabulary and the members of the Lehigh Valley police force are assisting the local authorities in their efforts to recapture the jail breaker.
Prisoners Deny Complicity.
All of the prisoners in the jail Saturday denied having knowledge of Lewis’ plans for escape. With one exception the prisoners all claim that they did not hear any unusual noises about the county bastile during the night. One prisoner says that he heard a slight noise sometime early Saturday morning, but he is not certain as to the time.
Lewis was committed to the Bradford county jail on June 18, to await trial at the September terms of Criminal Court, on the charge of rape. He was assigned to a cell in the Southwestern corner of the jail on the first floor. All of the cells in the jail are guarded by heavy iron doors fitted with lock which are supposed to be especially strong. The cells are lighted by small windows barred with heavy iron.
Made Careful Plans.
Lewis is a well built man, weighing 160 pounds and it is believed that when he determined to make an effort to escape he realize how impossible it was for him to make use of the small window in his cell and so he directed his attention to the cell door and lock. It is evident that he made a careful study of the situation and the jail arrangements. A moulder by trade and a mechanical genius his knowledge stood him in well in preparing for escape.
Ingenious Substitution.
The lock on the cell door consisted of a heavy iron bar and interlocking device within the wall at the side of the entrance of the cell. One end of the bar is bolted to the cell door. In the certre it swings on a hinge allowing the other end to assume a position along the side of the entrance to the cell, at a right angle to the door, when it is closed. A projection of the free end of the bar interlocks with a tumbler within the wall at the side of the entrance to the cell. The interlocking tumbler and projection on the bar are made additionally secure when the cell door is locked by the use of a heavy padlock.
Lewis in some unknown manner secured possession of two saws, a file, wire, linen thread and a piece of tin which had been painted to correspond with the color of the iron bars of the cell and the bar fastening the door.
By the means of clever mechanical ability Lewis made several frames into which he fitted the saws. He also cleverly shaped a piece of the time to form an excellent likeness of the projection of the iron bar interlocking with the tumbler.
Worked in the Day Time.
The prisoners reported that during the past 10 days Lewis had frequently retired to his cell during the day for the alleged purpose of sleeping. He very frequently closed his door and hence the belief that he made his saw frames and the other instruments during that time.
When he had completed the saw frames and the tin model Lewis filed off a greater portion of the projection on the iron bar replacing it with the substitute.
The counterfeit part was filled with soap and fastened to the iron bar with a string which Lewis had made by twisting lined thread. The work was done with such skill that the substitution would not be noticed unless attention was especially directed. When Lewis substituted the tin model for the original part of the projection is not known. It may have been done Friday or a week or more previous.
Having completed arrangements for making an exit from his cell when the proper time came, Lewis then awaited the best opportunity for making a getaway.
The favorable time came Friday night or early Saturday morning owing to the rain and electrical storm. At “?” o’clock the jailer locked the prisoners, including Lewis, in their cells, and the lights were extinguished. Nothing unusual was noticed in any of the prisoners’ conduct. Everything was in proper order.
When the jailer came to Lewis’ cell to lock him up for the night the counterfeit part of the locking arrangement worked perfectly with the tumbler, the two parts interlocking without a hitch.
Noise of the Storm Helped Him.
Sometime during the night, when the other prisoners were asleep, when everything was quiet on the inside of the jail and while the storm was raging outside, Lewis prepared for his escape. Taking a file he pushed it through one of the squares in the cell door and in between the iron bar and the war. A tug against the bar caused the threads to break thus releasing the bar from the counterfeit part and tumbler, which had interlocked. The operation was done quickly and quietly, without arousing the other prisoners or the jailer.
As soon as the iron bar had been released Lewis pushed the door open and made his way into the corridor and up the flight of stairs leading to the second floor. A number of prisoners are confined on the second floor but none heard the desperate man, so carefully did the work.
Broke into Women’s Ward.
The entrance to the women’s department is at the head of the stairs, the doo being secured with a heavy padlock. Lewis sawed the lock thus gaining entrance to the corridor of the department. Tiers of cells are along both sides of the corridor, but none are occupied. The corridor is lighted by a window in the South side about 10 feet from the floor. This window is guarded with heavy iron bars nearly an inch in diameter.
Lewis mounted a small window which he had placed underneath the window and thus obtained a position where he could work with ease.
With the aid of soap, which he used to prevent noise, he sawed through three of the bars. The centre bar was cut at both the top and bottom. The other two bars were sawed at the bottom only. Having completed the sawing Lewis bent the bars to the side, thus securing an opening through which to escape.
Slid Down Improvised Rope.
He then tied three bed blankets together securing one end to the remaining bars with the aid of a stick and then crawled through the window and slid down the improvised rope to the ground a distance of about 35 feet.
Tight Squeeze.
How he managed to squeeze through the small opening is a mystery. It measures just 14 3-4 inch in length and 7 1-8 inches in width. Lewis weighs 160 pounds and is well proportioned. His head is peculiarly shaped, being exceptionally large. It is possible that he removed his clothing and greased his body with soap before making his exit. Even thus it must have been very tight squeezing.
When Lewis slid down the blankets he landed in the rear of the jail at the entrance to the basement and from that point it was an easy task to make his way unobserved out of town. It is possible that friends were waiting to give him assistance.
Rope Found by “Trusty”.
At just what hour he escaped is not known. The first knowledge that the jail officials had that something was wrong inside the jail was a 6 o’clock in the morning, when one of the trusties while going to the barn to milk noticed the blankets hanging down the side of the jail. His attention was directed when he stepped from the basement door, one end of the improvised rope coming in contact with his face. He at once notified Deputy Sheriff Wesley McCraney who lives in the residential section of the jail, and Sheriff A.B. McCraney.
An investigation was at once made with the result that Lewis’ flight was discovered. In his cell and in the corridor of the women’s department were found the saws, file, soap, and other articles which he successfully used. The counterfeit part in the locking arrangement of his cell door was also discovered.
Neighboring Police Notified.
The police officers in the neighboring towns and cities were at once notified of Lewis’ escape and furnished with his description. The Stat Constabulary was also informed. Joseph Cooley, Lehigh Valley Railroad detective, was advised and he in turn notified the other members of the Lehigh police and detective force along the company’s lines.
Interesting Exhibit.
The instruments with which Lewis effected his escape form an interesting exhibit. He had at least two saws of excellent quality. From a pine board and a broom handle he fashioned with his jack knife, handles and frames for the saws. One frame, which is shaped like that of a bucksaw, was made from a broomstick, and a string of linen thread. In fitting the saw in to the frame he evidently split a section of the frame which rendered it unfit for use. Another handle was made by placing a saw in between two pieces of a pine board and fastening the pieces together with wire. Sometime during his operations he broke this saw blade, as only a potion remains in the handle. A third frame, which resembles that of a hack-saw is more elaborate that the others. It was cleverly whittled from a pine board. The blade is secured in the handle by nails and is tightened by a nail passed through a string made from lined thread, and bears mark of hand use.
The flatiron which was found in his cell enclosed in a pair of old socks. It is evident that Lewis was prepared to attack anyone who interfered with the carrying out of his plans.
The counterfeit part of the cell’s locking device, the fashioning of the saws and the other instruments mark the work of Lewis as that of a mechanical genius.
Circumstances favored Lewis in many ways. The stormy night offered an excellent opportunity for the final efforts in carrying out his plans. He was fortunate in being able to do his preliminary work unobserved and that some of his fellow prisoners did not hear him at work when he cut through the lock on his cell door and also when he sawed the bars of the cell window. He was particularly fortunate when the crucial moment came the counterfeit part of the cell’s locking device, working perfectly. Another point in his favor was that he light about his cell door is not particularly good, making it more difficult for the jailer to observe the locking device.
First to Escape in 15 years.
Lewis is the first prisoner to make a successful escape from the Bradford county jail in nearly 15 years. The last successful jail breaker previous to Lewis was Rueben Heeman who made his escape through one of the small windows on the West side of the jail.
Lewis’ description as given above is said to be accurate. Any information that will lead to his arrest should be communicated at once to Sheriff A.B. McCraney or Deputy Sheriff Wesley McCraney. Sheriff McCraney will personally pay a reward of $50 for the capture and return of Lewis to the Bradford county jail. Every possible effort is being made to recapture him.
Daily Review, June 7, 1927
Joe Pickett; Raymond, Fred, and Harvey Buck Cut Way Through Grate and Get Out Cellar Window; Were Sentenced to Terms in Penitentiary
Faced with the prospect of spending form a year and one-half to three years in the Eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia, Joseph Pickett of Towanda, Harvey, Fred, and Raymond Buck of Elmira escaped from the county jail here last evening about 8:10 o’clock. Less than 10 minutes after they had gone, their absence was discovered by Sheriff Mary Mitten, who immediately notified the state policemen stationed here, the highway patrolmen, local police, Lehigh Valley detectives and police in adjoining towns to be on guard. No trace of the missing men was found last night, however.
The four men were sentenced yesterday morning shortly before noon by Judge Charles m. Culver to spend lengthy terms in the Eastern penitentiary after they had pleaded guilty to the charges of burglary and larceny brought against them in connection with the theft of old metal from the Yanofsky store house here on May 21. They were arrested following an investigation by the state police.
Shortly before 9 o’clock last night, Mrs. Mitten was making her final rounds when she noticed that the grating over one of eh steam holes leading from the cellar to the main floor of the jail had been removed. Her suspicions were immediately aroused and a check up of the prisoners revealed that Pickett and the three Buck boys were missing. Going into the cellar where the steam hole led, Mrs. Mitten and her aids found that one of the cellar windows on the upper side of the jail had been smashed.
It is believed that a saw was used to cut the grate from the hole, which is about as large as a man’s body. The wife of one of the Bucks had called at the jail shortly before supper time to see her husband and it is thought that she carried the saw to them. Whether she did anything else to aid he escape, such as providing an automobile when the escape was made is not known.
Immediately after it was found that the four had escaped, Mrs. Mitten talked with some of the other prisoners and they said that they had seen and conversed with Pickett and the three Buck boys about 10 minutes before the escape was noticed. At the time of the escape, all the prisoners with the exception of those who got away were up stairs in their cells and none of them last night said he saw the four make their getaway.
Because Pickett and his associated are known in Towanda, it is thought probable that they made their way over the back streets until they got out of town and then scattered. All are known in Elmira, so it is not thought they will go there.
The railroads and bridges were all guarded last night; Corporal Joe Miller and Troopers Stanley Rischel and David Green were scouring the highways in autos as was Deputy Sheriff Woodruff. The highway patrolmen, Bennett and Mahan, also were very active in the hunt.
Being acquainted with this section, Pickett was able to go in hiding near here over night and the officers believe their hunt will go forward with better results today.
Daily Review, June 8, 1927
Harvey Buck, one of the four prisoners who escaped from the county jail here shortly before 9 o’clock Monday evening walked into the Elmira police headquarters at 11:30 o’clock last night and gave himself up. Buck was accompanied by Fred D. Woodruff of Elmira, a friend of his father. He said he did not know where his brothers, Raymond and Fred Buck, or Joe Pickett, who escaped with him were.
Questioned by the Elmira police, Buck said that after getting out of the jail here, the four made their way to the Lehigh tracks near here and waited for a freight train to go by. Harvey said he “hopped” the first northbound freight which came along and got off either at Sayre or East Waverly; he was not sure which. From there he made his way to the home of Fred Woodruff in Elmira and later went to police headquarters.
Buck said that his companions did not get on the freight train with him, but that he left them standing along the railroad tracks at Towanda. He also said that Pickett engineered the whole job of getting out of jail. The four had been sentenced Monday morning to from one and one half years to three years in the Eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia after pleading guilty to the charge of stealing old metal from Yanofsky’s junk house here.
Daily Review, June 27, 1927
Raymond Buck, one of the prisoners to escape from the county jail here a few weeks ago, is once again in confinement, having been returned to the jail here early Saturday morning by Lehigh Detective Lester Pierce, who is also a deputy sheriff of this county. Buck was located by the authorities at Fort Niagara, N.Y., where he had enlisted in the U.S. army.
Of the four who escape from the jail, only one remains at large, Fred Buck. Harvey Buck surrendered to the authorities at Elmira a few nights after getting away; Joe Pickett was found at Fort Slocum, where he, too, had enlisted in the army, and Raymond Buck was found at Fort Niagara.
It is expected that Pickett and Raymond Buck will be taken before Judge Charles M. Culver soon for re-sentencing. They had been sentenced, to from 18 months to three years in the penitentiary before their escape on a charge of breaking and entering and larceny, to which they pleaded guilty.
Daily Review, July 1, 1927
Fed Buck Located in Elmira and Sent Back to County Jail; Arraigned Before Judge Culver and Given from 4 to 8 years in Pen; Joe Pickett Also Re-Sentenced
Twenty-four days after escaping from the county jail here, the last of the quartet to et away, fred buck of Elmira, was located and returned to prison. Yesterday Sheriff Mary Mitten, who has worked very hard to bring about the apprehension of the four, was notified that Fred Buck had been found in Elmira and he was brought back to Towanda late in the afternoon.
Immediately after his return to Towanda, Fred Buck was arraigned before Judge Charles M. Culver and re-sentenced. His first sentence had been from 18 months to three years in the Eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia, but yesterday the judge changed the sentence to a minimum of four years in the penitentiary, and a maximum of eight years. Besides the fine, Buck was ordered to pay $100 fine and cost of prosecution.
Yesterday morning, before word of Fred Buck’s having been found in Elmira had been received here, Joe Pickett and Raymond Buck, who were returned to the jail about a week ago, were also re-sentenced by Judge Culver. Their terms are like Fred Buck’s from four to eight years in the pen. and a fine of $100 and costs of prosecution. It is expected the three will be taken to the “pen” in a very short time.
Pickett, Fred Buck, Harvey Buck, and Raymond Buck, three brothers escaped from jail here the night of Monday, June 6, by sawing their way through a grating in the main corridor of the jail and then getting out through a cellar window. Their escape was discovered a very few minutes after it was made, and alarms spread to all sections of the country. Mrs. Mitten, the sheriff, was considerably upset over the incident, though she is believed blameless in the matter by all, and nothing she could do to bring about the apprehension of the four was left undone.
Harvey Buck, the youngest of the three brothers surrendered to the authorities in Elmira, three days after getting away from the jail, and was brought back and re-sentenced by Judge Culver. Harvey drew only an additional six months to the 18 months minimum given him originally, the judge giving his voluntary surrender some consideration.
Little more than a week ago, word was received that Pickett had enlisted in the army at Fort Slocum, near New York City, and he was detained there by army officials until Deputy Sheriff Lewis woodruff and Corporal Joe Miller of the state police went after him. On their way to New York to get Pickett, who had enlisted in his own name, the officers took Harvey Buck to the penitentiary at Philadelphia.
A few days after Pickett had been returned to the jail here, Mrs. Mitten was notified that Raymond buck had been located at Fort Niagara, where he, too, had enlisted in the army, Raymond was brought back here by Lehigh Detective Lester Pierce of Towanda.
The four were arrested by the state police her in connection with the stealing of a quantity of old metal from the Yanofsky store house here. They pleaded guilty to the charges of breaking and entering, and larceny, and escaped from the jail the evening of the same day they were first sentenced.
Daily Review, June 28, 1932
Several Charges Face Him
A wild Saturday night spree landed Herman Vincent of South Towanda in the county jail with three very serious charges against him.
While driving about the township in his car, Vincent struck Ethel Jean Stroud, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stroud. Vincent continued on his way with Constable Andrew Johnson pursuing. Hermie stopped his car when the officer got quite close, and ran into coma nearby underbrush in his attempt to escape. Some time afterward, he returned to his automobile and the waiting Constable Johnson nailed him. The man was taken to the office of Dr. George Richardson, who pronounced him under the influence of intoxicants. He was then committed to the jail over Sunday to await further action.
At the jail he was placed in a cell with two of his neighbors who were serving time for a fish law violation. He pulled all the plumbing out of the cell and flooded the place. The keeper then placed him in a cell by himself and a few moments later he had pulled out the plumbing there and and another flood was on. At last Sheriff Bailey handcuffed the man’s hands behind his back and things quieted down. It cost $15 to repair the damage he had done.
Yesterday, Vincent was given a hearing before Justice of the Peace D.A. McNeal on the drunken driving charge. Following the hearing he was held to court under $500 bail. From Justice McNeal’s court, Vincent was taken before Justice of the Peace Harry White were Fred Stroud, father of the defendant’s car hit, charged him with assault and battery and hit and run. Vincent pleaded not guilty and was held under $500 bail on each charge for a hearing later in the week. The defendant could not furnish the bail and was remanded to jail.
The Stroud girl suffered two bad scalp wounds as the result of the accident Saturday and she also was badly bruised about the body.
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